Browsing Archive: November, 2012

Help shape the future of transit in our neighborhood with your input on the UNM/CNM/Sunport transit study

Posted by UHA Association on Thursday, November 8, 2012, In : Transportation 
From October 22nd at the Loma Linda Community Center, a second round of three public meetings took place for the Mid Region Council of Governments (MRCOGUNM/CNM/Sunport Transit Study. A presentation was given about the study area background, expected future growth and development, the main goal and objectives of the study, and why a north-south transit link is so important to this largest activity center in the region.

Study organizers have received much input from local residents and other ...

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Albuquerque Police Officers Association wants your help.

Posted by UHA Association on Saturday, November 3, 2012, In : Police 
The Albuquerque Police Officers Association (APOA) is asking for feedback from neighborhood residents about their experiences with APD policing and crime by filling out a survey. The survey is short and does not ask for any personal information.

If you'd like to help give feedback, you can access the survey at the link provided in the message below.

Dear Neighbor:
My name is Greg Weber and I am the president of the Albuquerque Police Officers Association (APOA) and we need your feedback.

Please t...

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About Me

University Heights Association The University Heights Association (UHA) is the volunteer organization of people living, owning property, and working in the area bounded by Central on the north, Yale on the west, Garfield on the south, and Girard on the east.

University Heights Association



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