The University Heights neighborhood has many residents and visitors who use bicycles to commute to work and school, and because of our proximity to UNM and the Bicycle Boulevard running through the neighborhood, we have many cyclists passing through our streets every day. As such bicycle safety issues are always important to our residents.
The City of Albuquerque has started publishing the Albuquerque Bike Safety Newsletter, a brief bi-monthly E-newsletter created to keep people informed about the City of Albuquerque Parks and Recreation Department's Bicycle Safety Education Program. This service provides regular updates on current and future bike safety related issues and events.
You can find links to view the current edition of the newsletter and to sign up to receive the newsletter at the City of Albuquerque's Bicycling web page - the page also contains lots of helpful information and resources for cyclists, including maps for bicycle trails and bike routes throughout Albuquerque, information on classes and seminars on topics such as bike skills and bike repair, and more.
In : Transportation
cabq bikes bicycling cycling "parks and recreation" safety