The University of New Mexico is planning an exercise of the Campus Warning Siren System on Monday, June 24. These sirens are usually audible in the University Heights Neighborhood.  

At 11:02 a.m., the sirens will sound for approximately one minute. There will then be a pause for approximately one minute, followed by an "all clear" siren, again, for approximately one minute.  There are two sirens and the University will set them off sequentially, approximately 30 seconds apart.

More information is available about the siren test and about UNM's alert system, "LoboAlerts" by clicking the following link to the UNM website.

Friends and fam­ily mem­bers and other people who are not UNM staff or students, includ­ing those who work on cam­pus, live in nearby com­mu­ni­ties or oth­er­wise have an inter­est in receiv­ing emer­gency noti­fi­ca­tions from UNM in the event of a campus emergency can receive LoboAlerts emer­gency noti­fi­ca­tions as well, either by fol­low­ing LoboAlerts at and pages or by cre­at­ing an account on the site.