Browsing Archive: February, 2011

Temporary driveway into Smith's during Coal construction

Posted by UHA Association on Thursday, February 17, 2011,
The City has installed a temporary driveway at the corner of Harvard and Coal to allow vehicle access to the Smith's parking lot during the approximately four weeks that Coal will be closed south of Coal.  The Coal closure is scheduled to begin on Monday, February 21.

The City assured UHA that the driveway will be removed when the Coal construction is completed.

Click here to read the City's letter to UHA.
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2035 Regional Metropolitan Transportation Plan Community Meeting

Posted by UHA on Thursday, February 10, 2011, In : Transportation 
City Councilor Isaac Benton and County Commissioner Maggie Hart Stebbins are hosting a community meeting for a presentation and discussion of the 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP).  This plan will shape transportation policy in the region for the next 20 years and beyond, and community members are encouraged to attend. 

The meeting is Thursday, February 24 at 5:30 pm at the Heights Community Center (823 Buena Vista SE).  

Click here to see the attached flyer for more information.
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About Me

University Heights Association The University Heights Association (UHA) is the volunteer organization of people living, owning property, and working in the area bounded by Central on the north, Yale on the west, Garfield on the south, and Girard on the east.

University Heights Association



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