Next week there will be a series of public meetings discussing the new Central Complete Street planning effort to improve Central Avenue. The UHA encourages those with an interest in the plan to attend these meetings, as your schedule permits.
The following meetings will be held at the Heights Community Center, 823 Buena Vista Drive SE, 87106. Click here for a map.
February 27th, 6pm-8pm - public meeting to discuss the plan.
February 28th, 9am-5pm - all day open workshop to discuss the plan, no need to come all day, drop in any time to provide your input.
Click here to download a document with more information.
The following message is from Kara Shair-Rosenfeld in the City Councillors' office:
We are excited to announce our upcoming public meeting and workshop on the Central Complete Street planning effort that Councilor Benton and Councilor Garduno initiated a number of months ago. We met with many of you in early December to introduce you to the consultant team of Gateway Planning Group and Nelson\Nygaard and get some initial feedback from you on both the strengths and challenges of the corridor.
Gateway and Nelson\Nygaard have completed their existing conditions assessment and will be back on February 27-28 for the next step in this process. Attached, please find a letter containing details about the public meeting and all-day workshop. This letter was mailed to property and business owners along Central, but we wanted to provide you with it electronically in hopes that you will forward it to your members and others who may be interested in participating.
Please let me or Andrew know if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you and your neighbors later this month.
Best regards,
Kara Shair-Rosenfield
Policy Analyst/Planning
Albuquerque City Council
P.O. Box 1293
Albuquerque, NM 87103
(505) 768-3114
In : Roads and Traffic